Saturday, November 22, 2008

Week 13: Form Design

Part 1:

Part 2:

NISOD Student Essay Contest

NISOD Student Essay Contest

The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) has announced a student essay contest to mark Community College Week.

The winning essay is awarded a total of $3,000US to be shared with the student author, the faculty/staff/administrator featured in the essay and the college.

The essay topic is: Describe your most rewarding learning experience with a faculty, staff or administrator at your community college.

Entries from GBC students will be eligible for 3 prizes of $300, $200 and $100 from GBC's Vice-President Academic's office. Deadline for GBC is December 1, 2008 please send GBC entries to Michael Cooke at

More details available at

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Week 12: Pop Up Windows

This Week :

pop up message
pop up window
place a title in the pop up window
close window, inside the window
moveTo(x,y) location

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week 11: Basic Frameset Example

Basic terminology:
A frameset is a container for frames.
A frame is a container for an html page.

Why Framesets?
This allows content to flow through a web site, while certain areas or frames remain on the screen all the time, other areas are dynamic.
Typically a three-frame-frameset would hold the following content 1) the top frame HEADER or Flash Banner, 2) the side frame nav bar, and 3) the mainFrame content area. When an item is clicked on the nav bar, the content would be played in the content area of the page.

Our basic example has two frames in the Frameset.
• The Frameset file will be saved as index.html.
• The topFrame will hold the HEADER type and the hyperlinks that will cause Page1.html and Page2.html to play in the mainFrame.
• The mainFrame is where Page1.html and Page2.html will flow through.

Another example, but caution... this one uses an earlier version of Dreamweaver.

Week 10: Basic Flash Animation ( swf, mov, animated gif)

Flash is useful for creating animations that can be published as swf files, and exported as mov and animated gif files, for insertion in Dreamweaver created web pages.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Week 10: Web Portfolio & Design Process

Apply the design process to designing a web portfolio.

See the following links:
Design Process
Portfolio Tip#1
Portfolio Project Specifications

Portfolio Project Process...

Consider the following process when designing and developing the Portfolio Web Site:

Portfolio Project due shortly...

Start the Portfolio Project Today.

View these posts:
Project Specifications
Portfolio Tips

Some examples of Automation in Photoshop

In Photoshop you can automate a batch processing of a series of files.
For example, Photoshop can automate the renumbering of photos. After they are renumbered, you would be able to write some Javascript or some Actionscript to place the pictures on the screen based upon their numerical sequence ( 1,2,3,4,5....).

The following video shows how to automate the renumbering process with a 1-Digital-Serial renumbering:

After renumbering the jpgs, they can be resized using an image processing script, as follows: