Friday, October 10, 2008

Web Site Portfolio Project Specifications


THEME: “The Medium is the Massage.”

The purpose of this project is to create a Web Site Portfolio that reflects the identity of Me, the Web Designer.

The Web Site Portfolio must include all original work, specifically including the following content and technical specifications:
1) A picture of me, the Web Designer;
2) A description of my identity (five) strengths – in relationship to me as a designer;
3) Working links to at least five Web sites that relate directly to my identity;
4) A Site Map, including working hyperlinks to all page references;
5) At least five examples of my own original designs, with description of techniques, design features, process;
6) A Mailto: linking to the email address of Me, the Web designer;
7) Meta tags for each page – Description and Keywords, and a proper title tag;
8) A custom designed internal or external CSS, including a page wrapper for each page;
9) Use of image maps;
10) Use of a table;
11) Use of rollovers (including Nav Bar Behavior);
12) Drop down menu (using Timeline technique);
13) Evaluations: by self & by another associate;
14) Contact and Project information from the designer: full name, email address, hours worked on the project, date due.
15) All resource files (Photoshop [.psd], Illustrator [.ai], Flash [.fla] text, etc…), and the final Web Site must be submitted on a CD-R, or DVD-R. The Site must be fully functional on the CD-R, DVD-R. Suggestion: Use two folders: one labeled “Working Files” and the other named “Final Site”.

The Web Site will be evaluated according to the following: evidence of creativity, aesthetics, and web design principles, functionality, ease-of-use, and the meeting of all content and technical specifications.

Important Notes:
1) Projects are evaluated in class on the due date and must be submitted on CD-R, DVD-R (readable on both MAC & PC).
2) All submissions must be received on the due date.
3) All CD-R, DVD-R submissions (to be accepted) must be labeled with full name, Email address, and date of submission.

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