Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Exam Preparation Exercise

Here's today's challenge:
Create a Web Site in 100 minutes, with the following specifications:
1) (10 marks) Web site will have four pages ( index page, menu page, strengths page, contact page). Each page must include a page wrapper with a width of 760 pixels.
2) (10 marks) Menu is created in Photoshop with the file saved as menu.psd. Menu page will have two links (Strengths, Contact) each with a NavBar Behavior with over and up state. The strengths link will link to the strengths.html page. The contact link will link to the contact.html page.
3) (10 marks) Strengths page will have a drop down menu with three strengths and a link to a description of each. TIP: You can use anchors for the links to the descriptions on this page. The drop down menu is created in Photoshop and must be saved as dropdown.psd.
4) (10 marks) Contact Page will have a picture of self, a working email link, and name information.
5) (10 marks) Each page will have an image map linking back to menu.html.
6) (10 marks) All pages will have meta tags (title with author name, 10 keywords, 1 sentence description of page)
7) (10 marks) Index page will have a Flash Header text and a Flash button hyperlinking to menu.html.
8) (10 marks) The local EXAM Site is set up with the following file names and folders: index.html, menu.html, strengths.html, contact.html, images folder, scripts folder, headertxt.swf, button.swf. All images must be inside the images folder. A folder called PHOTOSHOP will hold the two photoshop files(menu.psd, dropdown.psd)
9) (10 marks) Files are posted to your account (Remote Site) in a folder called EXAM. Place a new link from your Remote Site Account main menu to the index file in the EXAM folder. You can use an image map for this.
10) (10 marks) Everything works perfectly AND all specifications met.

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