Saturday, September 12, 2009


Create a three page web site linking index.html, menu.html, and week01.html.

See example:

The Web site must include the following:
• Page wrapper (APDiv with CSS);
• Meta tags for each page: Page Title (your name), and Description (one sentence), keywords (your top five strengths)
• 3 pages (SPLASH, MENU, WEEK01)
SPLASH: (index.html) This is the site splash page with your picture, name, title, and hyperlink to menu.html.
MENU: (menu.html) includes text for 15 weeks. Include also a hyperlink to week01.html and week02 (hint: index.html)
WEEK01: This is last week's index.html page renamed to week01.html
• Titles for each page
• CSS Class created and applied to strengths on week01 page.

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