Thursday, October 8, 2009


Create a six page web site (splash page & five content pages) featuring five of your design works from the past three semesters.
• Each page will have a Nav Bar menu created in Photoshop using guides, slices, and the "divide slice vertically" option. Save the psd on your site.
• Each page will have a gradient fill tiled background image. Save the psd on your site.
• Each page will be linked to an external CSS document, used to format the following description and explanation.
• Each of the five content pages will present one design work, with a description of the design process, tools used and techniques employed in creating the work.
• Explain how each work relates to one of my strengths.
• An opening splash page for the six page site will read: "View Design Portfolio: Examples of Recent Work by YOUR NAME GOES HERE"
• titles for all pages
• meta tags for all pages
• © for all pages

Due date and time is Tuesday October 13, 12:00pm.

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